Traditional Alarm Monitoring
Legacy supports 99% of the alarm monitoring manufacturers in the market today and offers an unmatched variety of alarm monitoring services from its two UL monitoring centers. Legacy uses redundant, UL certified digital receivers for alarm transmission:
- Sur-Gard
- Bosch
- Osborne Hoffman
- Honeywell/Resideo
- M2M
- TrikDis
- and many more
Non-traditional Alarm Monitoring Legacy has unique technology that allows us to monitor just about anything. If it can communicate, we can monitor it. This technology allows Legacy to create alarms from an e-mail, text message, IP communicator, direct phone call via Caller ID, DVR motion alert, PC/Server monitoring software and more. The possibilities are endless. Our customers can leverage this technology to increase their monitoring scope, grow revenues and increase RMR by offering these new types of monitoring opportunities.
Mobile Alarm Monitoring Legacy has an all new subscriber Mobile Application that offers a multitude of lifesaving features. Features include mobile PERS monitoring, fall detection, vehicle impact detection, airbag deployment monitoring, emergency SOS, GPS tracking, cyber threats, and much more. No matter what the emergency the application triggers an instantaneous emergency response conveying the exact location along with PSAP (Public-Safety Answering Point) information to the central station.
Don't forget to download the Android™ or iOS™ Legacy Mobile App.